Country Publications, Living Lake Country Sunday edition.
Twitter Teachers: Keeping
Attitudes Sunny This Winter
by Emma Fleker
Arrowhead Pick Me Ups
At the beginning of November, Arrowhead High School’s Key Club and one of its advisors Ron Reichle created a “pick-me-up” Twitter page. This page is available to the public and was created as a place to post positive comments regarding students or staff at Arrowhead.
With close to 80 followers and counting, the positivity is spreading. To start out, Reichle posted some positive comments of his own, commending the Key Club officers as well as his AP European History classes. Soon after this, students and staff were contributing to the page as well, posting funny pictures of friends or thanking staff for their hard work.
Reichle says, “This is about people being happy in school.” He thinks that the negative things get recognized more than the positive and simply wants to create a more positive atmosphere in the school.
This page embodies the school’s sports motto, “One Team.” But even though it may be outside the world of athletics, Key Club is bringing the Arrowhead community together as one team to put smiles on everyone’s faces and create a more welcoming environment for all.
Reichle’s goal is to have everyone at Arrowhead on the page everyday saying something positive. He may also start putting up pictures in the halls of students smiling to further promote his goal and to break down social barriers and eliminate the tendency to avoid branching out and meeting new people.
He says, “I want people to have some fun during the school day.”
The winters in Wisconsin may be freezing, as well all know, but now our attitudes will stay sunny thanks to Arrowhead’s Key Club and Mr. Reichle. Visit their page on Twitter at “@ahspickmeups” to see or share some positivity.