Arrowhead High School's production of Oklahoma wins 8 Tommy Awards.
For the past five years Madison's Overture Center of the Arts has been recognizing outstanding high school musical performances. The Overture Center's Tommy Awards program is an education
initiative that recognizes, honors, and encourages excellence in musical
theater production among Wisconsin high school students. This year, 66 shows were considered. Speaking on behalf of the reviewer team, Tim Sauers VP of Programming & Community Engagement stated, "It was such a pleasure experiencing your production. Over 200 awards will be presented this year to the participating schools. We continue to be impressed with the quality of the work and dedication of all the students, professionals and volunteers participating in and working on the shows. I want to personally congratulate you on your deserving achievements and the hard work you do to assure that everyone involved has a positive learning experience."
Musicals of participating schools are reviewed by a panel of
educators, theater experts and industry professionals. Based on
reviewers’ comments and tabulations, productions and individuals receive awards
in specific categories at a ceremony held each year at Overture Center on June 8th at 6:00 pm.
The ceremony also features performances and production numbers from award
winners in several categories.
The Arrowhead staff and Board of Education would like to congratulate the Arrowhead Broadway Company, their directors Nancy Jorgensen and Grace Bielski, and all of the staff, parents, and volunteers that support and contribute to the success of our students. Please help us in congratulating the following Arrowhead High School Tommy Award winners:
As part of their project called the Young Performers Initiative, Wisconsin Public Television (WPT) will be recording the 2014 Tommy Awards Ceremony. The resulting television program will feature excerpts from the ceremony and will be broadcast in the fall of 2014. Watch for more announcements in the coming months – we’ll let you know when to tune in!