Arrowhead High School
Spanish in Careers fair
The Arrowhead High School World Languages department recently hosted the Spanish in Careers Fair in the North Campus Library on the morning of Friday, March 1st. The Fair is organized for Spanish III students, as a culminating event in their study of the World of Work unit.
The World Language department hosted thirteen professionals, including three proud Arrowhead alum! The local professionals included individuals from Kohls Corporations, as well as medical interpreters, physical therapists, FBI agents, and engineers.
The event received very positive feedback, including one Spanish III student who said, "Why don't we do this all the time?" and a presenter who stated, "I was very impressed with the students' preparation and the level of respect."
Kudos go out to Ms. Jeanne Psket and Mrs. Amy Coraggio, Spanish teachers, for organizing this event and for providing outstanding learning
experiences for our students.
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